Welcome to the updated, "OFFICIAL" web site of the:

Mid-Hudson Valley Gem & Mineral Society, Inc.

Membership Form

Our general meetings are open to the public, but there are many additional benefits of membership:
  • Ability to go on collecting field trips (coverage under our general liability insurance)
  • Ability to use the lapidary workshop
  • Subscription to the Garnet Gazette, our monthly newsletter
  • Ability to participate in workshops
  • Ability to participate in club activities and other trips
  • Ability to participate in the rockhound activities
  • Membership in the EFMLS and AFMS regional and national societies
In order to join our club, please fill out the following membership form and either submit it via postal mail or bring it to a meeting.
The Mid-Hudson Valley Gem & Mineral Society is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization.
This page last updated at 01:35:01 EST on November 05, 2019.
Content © Copyright 2008-2024 Mid-Hudson Valley Gem & Mineral Society, Inc. - All rights reserved.