Welcome to the updated, "OFFICIAL" web site of the:

Mid-Hudson Valley Gem & Mineral Society, Inc.

MHVGMS Meeting. Trinity Church Parrish Hall, Fishkill
Everyone welcome - new members and past, present & future members!

Sep 20 & 21 2025 Annual Show with the theme "Earth's Rock Cycle".
View some previous Show photos here.

Members, if you have not received our Monthly newsletter, please tell our Membership chair.

Lapidary workshop use is by Appointment Only. Contact our VP of Education for potential use.


Welcome to the website for the Mid-Hudson Valley Gem & Mineral Society, based in Poughkeepsie, NY.  We are a society for people who love rocks, gems, fossils, field collecting, jewelry-making, and general earth science--people known as "rockhounds."  We have been around since 1969.  More information can be found in the "About Us" pages.

We hold monthly meetings on the third Friday of the month in Poughkeepsie where we often have a speaker on a subject of interest.  All general meetings are open to the public, but we of course hope you will decide to join our society.  More information about meetings and benefits of joining can be found in the "Membership/Meeting" pages.

Every year we organize a gem & mineral show where dealers in specimens, equipment, and jewelry come to sell their pieces.  More information can be found under "Annual Show."

We are also dedicated to earth science education.  More information can be found under the "Education" section of this website.  We donate to activities and groups that promote earth science education and are, ourselves, willing to provide demonstrations and talks on the subject to groups such as classrooms and scouting groups.

Please feel free to contact members under the "Contact Us" section of this website.  If you are interested in joining or attending a meeting, find out what the current meeting topic is under the "Membership/Meeting" section.

This page last updated at 19:07:37 EST on February 25, 2025.
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